Monday, November 21, 2011

Money Cufff _ A Lemon Squeezy Home

You’ll Need:

-four 3” x 8.5” pieces fabric, mix and match how you please

-one 2.5” strip velcro

-one 4” strip velcro

-buttons or anything else you’d like to embellish with

The way I’m going to show you how to make this seems a little different. You are welcome to adjust theother tutorial for the money cuff to use velcro, but the velcro might just be a little difficult to sew in that way. That is why I chose the way I did for this version—to accommodate the velcro closure. **Just be sure to really cut and sew exactly, as it will definitely help with the final steps and outcome in this tutorial.**


Take two pieces fabric and place right sides together. Do the same with the other two pieces. DSCF4899

Sew around the edges with a 1/4” seam, leaving an opening at one end for turning. Clip corners and turn.DSCF4900DSCF4901

Iron, tucking the openings in, then sew the velcro to the top center of both pieces.DSCF4904

Flip over and sew the velcro onto the same end of each piece.DSCF4908

Place together, matching the velcro and sides, top and bottom, as evenly as possible (this is where the cutting and sewing as exact as possible really matters).DSCF4909

Topstitch closely around the edges, leaving the top portion with the velcro un-sewn. This is where the openings you left for turning get sewn shut.DSCF4910

Reinforce the sides of the velcro opening so it doesn’t rip when opened over and over.DSCF4911

Sew some buttons or other embellishments on, if desired.DSCF4913DSCF4915

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